OPEC+ Throws The World A Curveball

Good morning!

Happy Easter weekend!  The big news of the week started Sunday when OPEC+ announced a surprise additional oil production cut of 1.2M barrels/day starting in May.  All American oil analysts were convinced that OPEC+ was going to hold to the current cuts in place.  The announcement caught everyone off guard and crude prices soared over $4/barrel, pushing WTI crude price back over $80/barrel.  Remember, WTI crude price was down to almost $65/barrel just two weeks ago!  Clearly OPEC+ is sending the message that they will not let WTI crude prices fall below $70/barrel and prefer to keep prices even higher.  The majority of the cuts are being led from Saudi Arabia with 500k/barrels per day.  Iraq and UAE are the next two leading the charge.  Some analysts are now spooked that if summer demand is higher than predicted, $100/barrel crude oil is back on the table.  The cuts were a reaction to the fast fall in price a few weeks ago due to the banking financial crisis in the US and in Europe.  OPEC+ wants to remain ahead of the monetary crisis and control crude prices.  The only good news is that we are seeing a “floor” forming for crude price which does provide some stability.  Although the price is higher than anticipated, stability is very important for future purchasing.  In the US, the financial and economic measures are just a mess and making everyone scratch their heads.  Large companies continue to lay off thousands of employees, job openings dropped a touch, and jobless claims rose a tiny bit this week.  However, the stock market went up, along with gold which is extremely rare.  In addition, the most amount of cash poured into money markets the past month, while treasuries and bonds fell in price.  Like the episode “The Opposite” in Seinfeld, the market is behaving very strangely and causing everyone to take pause.  Almost all major institutions are saying that they have no idea what’s going to happen this year.  The predications are very vague and broad.  Although crude prices soared, the crack spreads for WTI crude collapsed but recovered a bit towards the end of the week.  The interesting effect of higher crude prices is that American drillers will continue to produce at high levels for exportation purposes while also being able to fully supply the needs of the US, especially if the US falls into recession.  And since diesel is in such high global demand, and diesel is easier to refine from crude oil compared to gasoline, many are predicting that most refiners will make more diesel than gasoline. The residual affect from high diesel production will mean lower prices in the US for diesel, but higher prices on gasoline.  In addition, more refiners are coming back online this year.  So for the first time that I have seen in 15 years, we could experience lower prices of diesel and possibly gasoline in the US compared to the value price percentage of crude oil.  But honestly, with the Russian/Ukraine conflict escalating, China and the US fighting at almost a cold war level, Israel and Palestine starting to fight again, and countries cutting deals with China instead of the US, who knows what’s going to happen the rest of the year!  All I know is that if OPEC+ stays the course, American oil production will be very robust.  The much higher production of refined products will hopefully allow for more affordable gasoline and diesel in America as producers offset the profits with much higher export pricing.

In local news, crack spreads jumped all over the place during the past two weeks.  Diesel prices have fallen back to their average for the month, but gasoline prices continue to slowly rise as summer RVP enters the market place along with less production.  The world appetite for gasoline is not nearly as strong as diesel.  In addition, I do believe that refiners are betting on a recession in the US and would rather sell less gasoline at higher prices than try to compete for market share.  Time will tell as we get to the end of the school year and travel time begins.  For the first time in a long time, higher earners in the US have reported that they are cutting back on high end travel.  Although they are saying they will travel, the amount of money spent will be less.  In addition the US continues to experience record credit card debt, falling home prices, increased prices of cars, student loan payments starting back up, and record layoffs at large companies.  Therefore, the US is not heading down a positive path.  I also believe that the FED will raise rates at least one more time.  Our economy is close to breaking, but not quite yet.  I really think that there will be a mini recession and I advise all consumers to be ready with savings for at least one to two years to avoid having to borrow money at extremely high interest rates in case of emergency.

Propane prices rebounded a bit with the rise in crude oil price.  But with higher crude oil prices comes more production.  The US continues to have excess inventory of propane due to the mild winter.  Going into summer, I expect to experience lower propane prices for summer fills as suppliers build allocation for the next winter.  But from what I am deciphering in the marketplace, even propane is carving out a bottom on future prices for the winter.  I believe suppliers are sending the message that they just wont sell propane below a certain price due to cost of operations as well as the growing movement towards energy transition.  The good news is that I do believe that summer fill prices will be attractive and next season’s heating contracts could be lower than this winter.  In a world where most goods and commodities are increasing in price, propane prices might fall.  There is still much value in propane compared to crude oil price and consumers might be pleased that they can budget less money for heating their homes next year even if the economic wheels fall off in our country.

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to give us a call.  Have a safe and enjoyable Easter weekend!

Best regards,

Jon Crawford – Pres.

What A Difference A Couple of Weeks Make!

Good morning!

Happy Friday!  There was no update last week as I was on vacation.  As I left for vacation, the US was facing a possible banking liquidity crisis.  Medium sized banks were failing, the world was panicking, depositors were moving funds to the major four banks or monetary safety investments, and the FED was not being clear on how they were going to stop the bleeding.  WTI crude prices fell to the lowest price in a over two years to $65/barrel.  Many investors believed the “black swan” event was happening.  Crude prices and the markets were going to collapse.  Not only did the market and crude prices not collapse, but the market ripped back to higher than it was before the banking crisis!  The FED offered a backstop to all depositors.  A relief rally took momentum and did not stop.  WTI crude prices went up in two weeks from $65/barrel to now $75/barrel in less than two weeks.  The stock market rallied higher as well.  The FED met this week and raised rates 25 basis points, and even the raise did not budge the market rally.  Although many bearish signs are in the works, including liquidity issues in the banking system, a commercial real estate bubble that’s about to burst, student loan debt payments resuming, and high inflation, the markets have all shrugged and moved on ahead.

In world news, the escalation between Ukraine and Russia continues.  Russia is claiming to move tactical nuclear warheads into Belarus and is pulling out of the New START nuclear treaty with the US.  The treaty is an agreement that US and Russia will announce nuclear testing to ensure that either country views a test as a true nuclear attack.  The US condemned the action by Russia which adds further tension that Russia could use a tactical nuclear weapon in Ukraine.  China brokered a deal between Saudi Arabia and Syria and is looking to broker a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine.  Zelensky said that he is also willing to meet with Xi Jinping.  China has been on a role as a “peace maker” which has historically been the role of the United States.  Overall, the actions from China in the past two weeks are displaying signs of a super power that can offer peace treaty guidance to complex foreign relations.  The work of China is weakening the influence of the US around the globe.  The US also sold nuclear submarines to Australia further escalating tensions with China, convinced Japan to limit chip exports to China, and welcomed the President of Taiwan to the US for a visit.  Also, in response to China brokering a peace deal between Saudi Arabia and Syria, Saudi Arabia is funding the construction of a large refinery in China to guarantee an energy relationship for the future.  The US is losing clout in the world quickly.  Therefore, the global tensions in the world are adding a “risk-on” premium to the price of crude oil.  And the cherry on top, Finland looks to be approved for NATO membership next week.  The escalations in world tensions connected to the US continue to grow.  And instead, tensions with China and other countries continue to move towards peace and trade relations.  From a 20,000 foot view, the US has a lot of work to do.  In addition, OPEC is holding firm to keeping production cuts in place.  Iraq lost 450k barrels per day of exports this week, but should be back online within a month.  The support level of WTI at $65/barrel seems to be very strong.  The US is working globally now as a major exporter and I believe that the market has set a floor that WTI prices under $65/barrel is not sustainable.  Although we could see another pull back in prices, I just don’t see WTI crude prices falling below $65/barrel anytime this year.

In local news, crack spreads for refiners got hammered this week as refiners continue to push diesel production over gasoline.  But with a potential recession looming in the US, there is only so much diesel that can be exported.  Therefore, diesel prices have relaxed a bit due to the crack spread collapse.  However, gasoline prices have continued to trend higher due to lowering production of gasoline.  Refiners have decided that the world market appetite for diesel is much stronger than gasoline.  And the potential for lower gasoline demand is on the table for the summer.  Therefore, refiners would rather make money on gasoline locally and use the world price export arbitrage on diesel to their advantage.  I do not expect to see gasoline prices be low this summer, even with potential weaker demand.  Diesel prices could hold a bit lower if we ride into recession.

Propane prices have found support as WTI crude price increased.  When WTI crude prices dropped to $65/barrel for a brief moment, propane prices did not drop that much.  Propane has been trading on a historically low percentage value to crude prices.  Therefore, crude prices really need to drop below $65/barrel to cause a major drop in propane prices.  In addition, due to the mild winter, propane inventories are very high across.  But refiners are sending the message loud and clear that a floor for production is in place for next winter.  I believe we will see cheaper prices in the summer, but a fairly decent premium between summer fill and next season’s heating contract price.  Although I firmly believe next heating season’s contract price will be lower than next year, I would not be surprised to see a 15-20 cent premium between summer fill price and next season’s contract price.  I will be urging everyone to top off their tanks this summer and contract for next season, even at a premium.  The reason is the value percentage of propane price compared to crude oil price.  Crude oil prices have a long way to drop before propane price will truly affected.  And I just don’t see refiners giving up margin as the world continues to push the alternative energy transformation agenda and world economics continue to be volatile.

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to give us a call.

Best regards,

Jon Crawford

The Markets Have Spoken

Happy Friday!

Well, I don’t think I need to talk too much about the bank failures and bank runs that have occurred across the US and Europe.  I think the main media did enough non-stop coverage on those topics!  🙂  The contagion fears and misinformation being discussed by major news sources did not help this week.  There were no risky bets by Venture Capital that caused these banks to fail.  The banks made poor decisions such as investing in crypto, long term bonds, and mortgage backed securities.  The FED raising rates at an incredible pace caused these banks to be pinched, along with rates increasing in Europe.  The money pouring in from major banks as well as a FED backstop will not affect the American taxpayer.  These are not bailouts.  I believe we are doing the right action and letting the bank executives, board members, and shareholder lose their money.  Not the depositors.  The FDIC insurance of $250k is absurdly low.  I previously stated that most of this fear would blow over in a week or two, and that has already happened.  The plan in place should stop any major collapse and the big banks came to the rescue.  The fear of economic collapse caused WTI crude prices to collapse.  I have called a bottom at $65/barrel on WTI and then a catastrophic bottom at $59/barrel.  Well, even with the massive selloff, WTI could not break through the $65/barrel price.  The crude oil market is sending a message.  Energy companies must continue to make money and $65/barrel seems to be the minimum price to continue profitability in operations, investment in alternative energies, and stock buybacks.  Major oil companies need to continue to be profitable as they are investing heavily in the alternative energy space.  The majority of all major alternative energy investments are coming from oil companies around the globe.  Now, let’s take a quick step back.  Will Exxon/Mobil be held accountable like the cigarette companies for covering up their knowledge of global warming that they knew about through research 20 years ago and covered up?… Yes.  Will bank executives and shareholders who sold positions two days prior to the current collapse be forced to return money that will go to back to teh FED?… Yes.  The US government and all agencies have made it very clear that these companies will still be held liable.  The lawsuits and claw-backs will take time.  Unfortunately, just like the the Big Banks that are “too big to fail”, the major oil companies are still the fastest vehicle to implement alternative energy projects such as windmills, solar, and hydrogen across the United States and the rest of the globe.  If oil prices fall too low, American citizens and other customers around the world lose interest in alternative energy because the cost to fill up their cars and heat their homes puts more cash flow into their pockets.  The incentives must remain in order to invest in alternative energy sources, and I believe WTI crude oil must stay at or above $65/barrel to achieve our alternative energy goals.  In addition, if WTI crude prices fell below $65/barrel, I believe that American oil companies as well as OPEC would announce production cuts immediately in order to prop up price.  For the first time ever, American oil companies and OPEC are in sync with incentives.  Market share is no longer the main incentive and driver of profitability.  Pivoting into new business ventures outside of oil is driving the economic engine of all oil producing companies and nations.  Although I believe solar will be the major alternative energy producer for electricity, I am very long on liquid hydrogen in the auto and heavy duty trucking industry.  I believe liquid hydrogen will be much easier to scale and maintain than electric vehicles due to the reliability/availability of rare earth metals and a supply chain that is so difficult to manage worldwide.  Liquid hydrogen can be produced locally in each country and the retooling of factories to pivot towards liquid hydrogen is much easier than electric vehicles.  Lastly, I do believe we are skipping along the bottom of crude oil prices and there are some value hedging opportunities.

In local news, Chicago spot prices were all over the map.  After seeing some market price erosion, gasoline prices firmed up due to the continuing change to summer RVP spec.  Diesel prices fell but ended the week firming up as crack-spreads shook off the price collapse in crude oil prices and traded higher.  I don’t expect to see too many changes on retail prices due to the whipsaw market moves.

Propane spot prices continue their steady trend, and future prices did not fall as much as expected due to the current massive value of propane price compared to crude price.  We are well below the historical average.  Therefore, I believe that future prices of propane will not move much, even if WTI crude oil price stays around $60-65/barrel.  However, because of large levels of propane inventory in our national storage due to a dud of a winter, I believe suppliers will be aggressive on getting rid of propane this summer to make room for the winter storage based on future allocations.  Therefore, I could see the scenario where summer fills are 10-15 cents, maybe even 20 cents/gal, cheaper than the contract price for propane heating season in 2023-2024.  However, next year’s heating contracts will be cheaper than this year which is incredible in a time of high inflation.

As always, if you if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to give us a call.

Best regards,

Jon Crawford

Are Crude Oil Prices Grasping At Straws?

Good morning!

Happy Friday! Discussion of crude oil prices was fairly quiet this week.  WTI crude traded very sideways and seems to want and try and hit $80/barrel again.  I feel like crude oil prices are grasping at straws to hang on above $70/barrel.  The only really bullish news is that China is reopening and demand will be strong.  However, as China continues to work with Russia, China will import a lot of oil from Russia, therefore not disturbing the overall supply/demand at a catastrophic level.  Plus, OPEC has a lot of spare production capacity and the US continues to increase production at almost pre-pandemic levels.  The economy in the US and around the globe seems to be riding at a peak.  I really fell that eventually the consumer will have to throw in the towel.  Car payments on average are above $1,000 per month with two extra years added onto the loans.  The service industry continues to inflate prices.  Orders from China are starting to decline.  Home mortgage applications dropped to the lowest level in over 28 years as interest rates hit 7%.  Eventually, the consumer will tighten and there just won’t be enough jobs available.  Once the service industry starts to cut employees a bit, look out.  Now, the FED and the ECB are talking about whether to increase rates at a slower pace or increase rates at a greater pace .  However, they are not talking about stopping.  So the news is positive for the markets based on the possibility of slowing rates, but the markets are not the economy.  In addition to all the economic data, the war in Ukraine is such a wild card.  Who knows what will happen there.  All I know is that I do not see OPEC, especially Saudi Arabia, allowing crude oil prices to drop below $60/barrel, even in a recession.  I also don’t see OPEC allowing prices to trade much above $80/barrel.  I see crude prices being very choppy this year with more potential to rise at the end of the year only if Europe and the US economies survive the economic pain as China, India, and Vietnam ramp up economic production.

In local news, gasoline retail prices rose along with diesel.  Refiners are now having to make 13.5 RVP (which is summer gasoline vapor pressure versus much lower in the winter).  Gasoline prices usually climb higher into summer because of the increased cost to produce the product.  However, when looking at the crack spreads on a barrel of oil, I believe refiners are looking to make more diesel than gasoline this summer.  From what I can see, refiners are seeing a drop in gasoline demand going into the summer.  And the possibility of a lower demand gasoline summer means that refiners will raise prices in order to make up the lost volume, rather than compete for market-share.  Refining companies have all become very dependents on higher margin returns in order to pivot into renewable energies.  In addition, the world market for diesel is still very strong and refiners can move diesel barrels overseas at a nice premium.  So why would a refiner produce gasoline which is dropping in demand at home, when diesel is in higher demand at home and abroad?  Even if the summer ends up being a dud for travel, I still see gasoline prices being higher than average.

Propane is holding steady into the end of the winter.  So far, the winter has been 3% warmer than last winter.  Propane demand at home and abroad has been lower as well.  As customers look to save money, thermostats get lowered and alternative heating sources get added.  We are also experiencing customers paying bills with two credit cards.  All of the aforementioned items are combining to push propane inventories over 30% higher than last year at this time!  I expect to see rack prices drop this summer as suppliers and retailers compete for allocation in an oversupplied market.  However, I still expect to see the average of 10-15 cent spread between summer fill price and next season’s contracts.  Propane rarely trades in backwardation (when future prices are lower than spot price) when going into the upcoming year .  The reason for the premium is that no one can predict the next winter.  Propane prices trading two to three years out will go into backwardation, but those prices are more of a hedge bet and need to be evaluated on past historical data and value to crude.  As we approach the end of winter, please make sure to keep your driveway plowed/salted, tree branches trimmed over driveways, and a clear path to your propane tank to ensure a safe and efficient delivery.

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to give us a call.

Best regards,

Jon Crawford

Strange Things Are Afoot Under The Hood

Good evening!

I am writing my weekly report before the final day of trading this week.  Thus far, WTI crude oil prices have traded in a very narrow range around $75/barrel.  But the amount of strange events and data releases this week are making future predictions even more difficult.  On Monday, you had Biden in Ukraine showing solidarity and promising to send more weapons.  Then on Thursday, you had the ambassador from China meeting with Putin and promising solidarity, but asking for a ceasefire and offering a 12-point peace plan.  China is trying to pivot as a possible deal maker, but nothing in the plan looks like a starting point for Ukraine.  And then Russia shelled Ukraine today in honor of the one year conflict.  We are now entering a phase where the US and China will be even more proxied into the conflict.  And in retaliation for China showing solidarity with Russia, the US doubled down on its’ presence in Taiwan.  All major powers are continuing to try and look like heroes while poking each other in the eye.  Russian crude and refined products were found to be traded from ship-to-ship in the waters around Greece.  About 300k barrels/day of product is being transferred and Greece says there is nothing they can do about it.  Then back at home, the economic data is so confusing and possibly shifting the economy back into wage inflation.  Weekly jobless claims fell, while continuing jobless claims fell.  But GDP from Q4 was revised down, and inflation from last month was revised higher.  The FED met this week and were unanimous in wanting to raise rates at least .25% next month.  However, many more FED members are pushing towards .50%.  Even though tech and other large companies are laying off by the thousands, the service industry is paying through the roof for employees who want to maintain their lifestyle.  Although commodities and other items might drop in price, the increase in wages is going to drive inflation higher.  So the FED might get stuck in a situation where no matter how high they raise rates, employers will just pay more to the employees and then raise the retail prices.  So for now, things look healthy and the economy looks pretty good on the outside.  But under the hood, things are not looking great.  The long-term trend that is brewing could be very dangerous.  The strength of the dollar in comparison to other currencies seems to be peaking.  Other countries are tightening up monetary policy to catch up.  This does not mean that the dollar will drop in value and cause commodities to go up in price.  Other countries will just be able to afford more as they prop up their currencies through rate hikes and tightening.  Some economists now believe the FED might have to go to at least 6% to slow things down.  The question is, how will we slow the wage increases without breaking the economy?  The second half of the year is going to be very interesting.  The possibility of a soft landing recession is still there, but until wages start to come down along with retail prices, we are stuck in a very scary spot.  Credit card debt is still the highest in history.  Home purchases are grinding to a halt.  And the cost of service based entertainment is continuing to skyrocket, including travel.  Eventually, with enough rate increases, the rooster will come home to roost.  I believe summer gasoline demand will be less than last year.  And I’m not so certain that the economy is going to land softly by the end of the year.  If we can help with a ceasefire in Ukraine and take some of that risk of the table, we can hopefully better balance crude prices.  But there is so much crude oil coming to market this year.  The US is continuing to build national inventories weekly.  I guess at the end of the day, as I look from a 20k foot view, I don’t see the US dealing with $100 crude anytime soon.  But I also don’t see crude prices falling below $60/barrel.  As the world banks tighten and geopolitical issues play out, I think crude will dip at some point this year.  But then again, out of nowhere, Iran has access to a nuclear weapon as well, who knows!  Oh, and we are about to enter a presidential election cycle in the US.  Instead of everything slowing down as it should be right now with tightening monetary policy around the world, things seem to be heating up.  And eventually, a bubble will burst.  The big question is which bubble will burst and where?

In local retail news, gasoline prices dipped but recovered this week.  So I do not expect to see much change in retail gasoline prices.  Diesel prices continued a downward trend for the week and I do expect to see cheaper diesel retail prices into next week; especially now that we are through the coldest part of winter and expensive winter blending is behind us.

Propane prices moved around a little bit this week, but not much.  There were some decent draws on national inventories that past two weeks, but the US still has 30% more propane in inventory this year compared to last year.  Last year April was cold so I’m expecting to see the build in propane inventories continue through spring into early summer.  And if inventories continue to strongly build, summer fill prices might be very attractive, as well as next season’s contract pricing.  But first, we need to finish up winter.  🙂

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to give us a call.

Best regards,

Jon Crawford

Crack Spreads Dropping In The United States

Good evening!

I am writing my update a day early, but I can only imagine that the trend of the week will continue tomorrow.  Not much has changed in the world this week, but some subtle news really sparked the jitters of market watchers.  The week started with crude oil prices moving higher towards $80/barrel as traders celebrated the idea of a “soft landing” into recession.  But then on Wednesday, the EIA reported a massive build of 16M barrels of crude oil in the US inventory!  And in addition, inflation is not moving lower at the pace that is truly needed for a soft landing.  Then Biden stole Vice Chairman Lael Brainard from the FED to be his chief economic advisor.  Lael is very dovish on economic policy which gives more leeway for the FED to be hawkish.  Credit card data continued to point towards the consumer running out of money, and large companies continued the layoffs.  Basically, the consumer is holding on to their spending habits by their fingernails.  The week ended with crack spreads for refiners collapsing as many believe the FED will continue to increase rates, especially now that Brainard is no longer in the FED.  And as more refiners come back online while building crude inventories build, mixed with record exports, the refining margins start to shrink.  I am still holding my position that it’s only a matter of time until the consumer takes the medicine and the economy goes into some type of recession.  How deep is up for debate.  But even a “soft landing” is still a recession which no one seems to really discuss.  For now, we cost average and keep a macro point of view.  The Russia/Ukraine conflict seems to be priced into the market and is no longer as much of a threat as it was a year ago at this time.  But hopefully we will see an end to the conflict by year end.  I know that is optimistic, but I believe it’s possible if China puts some pressure.  But now that the US and China have entered into a debate about spying on each other, I see a greater wedge forming between the US and China, just as the two countries were going to start talking.  I believe that China will be one of the hottest topics going into the next Presidential election.

Retail prices for gasoline and diesel moved all over the map.  We ended the week lower in price out of the Chicago market, so the possibility of lower retails prices are on the table for next week.  But there is still one trading day left in the week.

Propane prices went up a bit this week based on a larger than expected drawdown in inventory.  But the US propane inventory is still 40% ahead of last year.  Once the winter demand dries up, propane is probably going to sink like a rock in a lake.  No supplier wants to be long propane right now in my opinion!  As a reminder, please make sure your driveway is plowed/salted, trees hanging over the driveway are trimmed, and a clear path to your tank is possible.  All the previous actions will ensure a safe and efficient delivery, and a happy driver!

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to give us a call.

Best regards,

Jon Crawford

Crude Oil Price Might Be Disconnecting From Reality

Good morning!

Happy Friday!  First of all, our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected from the earthquake disaster in Hungry and Syria.  The devastation and loss of life has been almost incomprehensible.  Part of the devastation did affect crude oil exports out of hungry that feeds China, so WTI crude oil prices rebounded from approaching $70/barrel and started heading towards $80/barrel.  In addition, Russia announced that they will be cutting 500k barrels per day of production to try and prop up prices.  Although these major events are of great concern for higher oil prices, the bearish news seems to be shrugged off and a disconnect is forming.  The dollar is still very strong and I do not believe the FED is done with raising rates or that a “deflationary” period has begun.  The attrition at companies continues to be strong and is spreading beyond tech companies.  Credit card debt is piling up on Americans not wanting to change lifestyles post Covid.  In addition, mortgage refinancing was up 18% when 30 year rates hit 5%!  Home owners are trying to refinance to gain access to HELOC money, and we know those HELOC rates are higher than 5%.  Eventually, the US consumer is going to be cutting back on spending. The money is starting to run out.  I believe that the FED will hit 5% on rates or even go higher.  Companies are “taking the medicine” as they say, but consumers are not throwing in the towel just yet.  In addition, the US continues to build crude oil inventories, gasoline inventories, and diesel inventories at only 87% refining capacity.  We are building inventories in the US and more refineries are coming online within six months.  Another big disconnect was possible response from OPEC to Russia’s announced production cuts.  The move was announced without the approval of OPEC.  I believe that OPEC will respond to Russia by increasing production and possibly even removing Russia from further OPEC meetings.  No one in OPEC likes to have a country act alone.  Venezuela crude oil is also starting to come to market along with crude from Mexico.   And refining capacity is gaining momentum around the globe.  I truly believe that the crude oil markets are disconnecting from the facts.  But that’s the nature of markets!  Markets are irrational, and separate from the economy.  The next two to three months will really be telling.

In local news, gasoline and diesel cost have been on a roller coaster due to local economics coming out of winter.  Many suppliers are trying to figure out how much gasoline to produce as the vapor pressure requirements change in March, yet demand could be a dud this summer.  Diesel prices are bouncing around as well.  Because of the roller coaster in local economics, consumers will experience retail prices all over the map for the coming week or so.

Propane prices are starting to rise, even though inventories are sitting at 40% higher than last year with record production and exportation.  The winter has been mild compared to last year and I believe suppliers are going to raise margins to retailers in order to make up for loss of sales.  But watch out for April.  I think once winter contracts clear end of March, propane prices will start to fall as suppliers compete for gallons.  If we continue at the current pace in propane production, we should experience some great summer fill pricing, as well as lower energy cost for next heating season.  As always, please make sure to plow/salt your driveway, keep a clear path to your tank, and trim any trees overhanging your driveway to ensure a safe and efficient propane delivery.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to give us a call.

Best regards,

Jon Crawford

Crude Oil Prices Finding Weakness

Good morning!

Happy Friday!  Although the stock market has been shrugging off FED rate increases, attrition at nearly every company, increasing credit card debt and interest rates , weak retail purchasing in December, and weak guidance from almost all major companies in the DOW and NASDAQ, crude oil prices are not buying into the hubris of the market.  WTI crude oil prices have tumbled back to near $75/barrel and are now looking at $70/barrel as the next floor.  The IMF thinks that the recession in Europe is over and OPEC is keeping cuts the same.  Even the positive global news is not budging crude prices very much.  The truth is that the United States is building inventories of crude oil, gasoline, diesel, and propane.  In addition to our builds in inventory, refining capacity is coming back online in 2023 and the most deep water drilling is back online since the start of the pandemic.  Also, Pres Biden is opening up more crude oil exploration in Alaska.  The interesting development this week was the relationship between India and Russia.  We have an embargo on Russian crude and refined products.  But we don’t have any sort of embargo on countries who purchase Russian crude oil.  Some of the reason for our builds in inventory is because India is purchasing the majority of their crude from Russia, refining the crude into diesel, and then selling it to the United States.  Therefore, we have found a backdoor to allow Russia to continue their sale of crude, even at discounted rates.  Although Russia has dropped in production and is losing some money, the development with India is at least keeping Russia afloat.  If the war were to end, I would expect crude oil prices to drop even further since competition for customers would become fierce.  And already with India buying so much more crude oil from Russia, eventually the Middle East is going to fight back.  And in one last macro development, China has announced that they are watching the war in Ukraine much more closely.  The statement was interpreted as saying to Russia that if they escalate too far, China might retaliate.  And right now, China is one of Russia’s only allies.  But for now, prices have been falling and hopefully the drop in prices will start to make their way to savings on retail refined products in America.

In local news, after the one cold week of winter, the temperatures for the rest of February and even March look to be in the 30’s and 40’s.  Therefore winter blending of diesel will go back to winter additives only.  With the removal of expensive #1 diesel from winter blending, diesel retail prices should ease.  Gasoline continues to trade in a narrow range, even with the drop of crude oil prices.  I believe that suppliers are keeping gasoline prices higher due to decreasing demand.  Eventually, as we get into spring, if crude prices remain low, suppliers will start to compete in the marketplace.

Propane supply has been absolutely baffling.  Even with refiners operating below 90% capacity, propane production and exports are at record levels.  As of right now, we have over 40% more propane in national inventories, and that is not including Canadian rail supply!  Once the winter temps leave and if crude oil prices stay under control, I think propane prices will fall hard and summer fills will be very attractive.  In addition to falling propane prices in the spring, next year’s heating contract prices should hopefully be lower as well.  As a reminder, please keep your driveways cleaned/salted, trees trimmed along the driveway, and a clear path to the tank to ensure a safe and efficient delivery of  propane.

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to give us a call.

Best regards,

Jon Crawford

Truth in Numbers?

Good morning!

Happy Friday!  A lot of information was released this week.  And by information, I mean numbers.  Numbers seem to be the name of the game: number of people being let go from companies, numbers on earnings reports, numbers of oil rigs active, number of people tightening on spending, number of tanks being sent to Ukraine, number of propane barrels in storage, number of people looking for jobs, number of people being hired, number of people in China traveling and going back to work, etc.  At the end of the day, there is a huge argument being made whether or not the US will go into major recession or land softly.  What’s interesting about each argument, is that both agree on recession, just a difference in how bad the recession will be.  Well, let’s take a look at a little more of the data.  Housing market value is showing signs of weakness as consumers tighten up their spending.  Therefore, if push comes to shove and people need cash, because they overpaid for their homes, they might be upside down on their mortgage and unable to obtain cash.  And even if someone was able to take a HELOC out on their home, the interest rates will be probably 7%+.  Another interesting fact is that the US has hit the largest amount of credit card debt in history and the average credit card payment is being paid at 19% interest!  The stat is saying for example, those who pay their credit card bill each month with no interest are the low end, and the high end could be near 29%.  So out of the entire United States, the average consumer is paying 19% on their credit card debt!  Even at our office, consumers are starting to pay for their fuel on two credit cards.  The situation is probably the most telling of where we are heading.  Consumers have been continuing to try and live as they did during Covid times with cash flowing in and employees holding the power over businesses.  But as most trends go, situations change.  Most major companies, including small businesses have gone through attrition of 5%-40% of their workforce!  Many of these workers that were let go are going into the service industry that has continued to be healthy, but will start to diminish as consumers tighten.  And in addition, inflation continues to affect food prices.  And some of these employees that were let go might try and start their own business eventually which will bring the economy out of recession in the coming couple of years, but that takes time.  Now, where does all this data lead to for crude prices?  Well, the most deep ocean drilling rigs have been put to work over the past six months in almost ten years.  Norway is at full steam ahead in production.  America is full steam ahead in production (still lacking in refining, but that will get better), and OPEC+ is starting to get annoyed with Russia and their taking of market share in India.  So the price of crude should relax in the first half of this year, and might recover if economies around the globe start to bottom out and stabilize.  As I have been writing, I believe the numbers for inflation are going to finally be accepted that they are really showing the areas of true consumer spend are still going up, and the goods that are decreasing in price are mostly being used by companies that are going through attrition.  I don’t believe we will start to dig out of the hole that forms in 2023 until first part of 2025.  We will have a presidential election in 2024 where the economy will be front and center.  I think next year is going to be very telling on where America heads for the second half of this decade.

Local retail prices on gasoline continue to hover around the $3.00/gallon and diesel retail prices are around $4.25/gallon.  As the deep freeze comes next week, it’s very important for anyone purchasing diesel to make sure that you are purchasing diesel blended with #1 diesel.  Regular diesel with winter additive only will not make it through some of the days next week.  I understand that blended fuel with #1 costs more, but I believe that fully blended diesel is needed.  Please make sure to speak with your local supplier or gas station on what type of winter diesel they are selling.

Propane continues to surprise everyone.  Exports remain at record highs, demand is at the same levels of last year, yet production continues to be incredible.  The country is now sitting on 30-40% more propane this year compared to last year.  Although rack pricing is cheaper than contract pricing this year, when you look at the ten year average, those who have contracted propane for their heating needs are still ahead.  I’m expecting propane prices to just fall off a cliff starting in April/May.  I believe that next year’s heating cost will be lower than this year.  As a reminder, please make sure to keep your driveways clear of snow/ice, trim any branches that are blocking the driveway, and have a clear path to your propane tank.  These actions will ensure a safe and efficient delivery of propane during the busy season.

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to give us a call.

Best regards,

Jon Crawford

Too Good To Be True

Well, we questioned how long the crude oil correction downward last week would last.  Unfortunately not very long.  The market this week was in full up-swing mode and brought everything along with it, including the price of crude oil.  Although large businesses continue to cut jobs at over a 20% clip and earnings have not been great.  And then couple that with a slight dip in inflation and unemployment, and you would think we are having the rally of the year!  I am not believing that the FED will cut rates in 2023.  The United States has been addicted to low interest rates for too long and Powell will not make the mistake of allowing inflation to run higher again.  When looking at inflation, the areas that are seeing increased cost are the areas Americans are looking to spend this year: travel and food.  Credit card debt hit a record average of 19% interest.  Plain and simple, the American consumer is running out of money.  The consumer was very used to a certain lifestyle coming out of the pandemic and unfortunately I think the lifestyle is going to end with a bit of pain.  Markets are very irrational and right now the markets seem to be grasping at straws to move higher.  Crude oil is always a wild card, but when looking at China going fully open and having to deal with multiple large waves of Covid before they calm down to a normal like in the US, coupled with incredible production of crude oil on the stateside and many more sources of crude coming online in 2023, I think crude oil is being setup to fall.  How far crude will fall is yet to be determined.  I’m also not sure how long this irrational market will run.  Sometimes markets get caught up in a frenzy and the party lasts longer than anticipated before the rug falls out from underneath.

In local news, gasoline and diesel prices continue to climb as Chicago refineries move barrels down to Nashville to help out the East Coast.  In addition, we are still waiting for Superior, WI as well as Toledo, OH refineries to come back online.  I think our market will be well supplied for the year as these refineries return.  Right now every little bit helps.

Propane continues it’s record inventory run.  Right now, propane inventory is 25% higher than last year.  And production is not slowing down.  I also do not expect to see production or exports slow down.  We can’t export anymore than we are currently completing, so I believe that propane prices could fall off a cliff this summer.  The good news to the consumer is that although prices on contracts might be higher than rack this year, next year’s prices are looking to be incredibly great in value compared to natural gas.

To sum up everything from crude oil, to diesel, to gasoline, to propane:  patience and cost average. Micro actions. Macro patience.  I will continue to update as 2023 unfolds.  I believe we are going to have a very interesting year.

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to give us a call.

Best regards,

Jon Crawford