Quality Service and 3rd Generation Family Owned Since 1935

Home Heating

Crawford Oil and Propane’s reputation is founded upon our home heating delivery.

Agriculture & Construction & Manufacturing

We offer excellent customer service and delivery for Wisconsin’s independent farmers, construction companies, and manufacturers.

Motor Oils & Lubricants

We offer a full line of motor oils, hydraulic oils, gear oils, grease, ect.

C-Store Branding

We offer independent branding options for c-store owners looking to take control of their business and save money.


Crude Gains Erased

Good morning! WTI crude prices are now lower than were before the attacks in Saudi Arabia.  Saudi Arabia is claiming to be back to 75% production and will be at full capacity within a month.  Saudi Arabia struck deals with other countries to cover all their customer contracts during this time.  In addition, with impeachment […]

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Attack in Saudi Arabia

Good morning, What….a…..week.  Over last weekend, one of the biggest fears in the oil industry came true.  A successful attack was made on the world’s largest oil refinery.  The refinery is also the bottleneck for exports out of Saudi Arabia.  Blame given to either Yemen rebels and Iran went back and forth.  The US condemned […]

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Roller Coaster Repeat

Good morning! Crude prices pressed “repeat” again this week with supply and economic news driving the volatility.  We started the week off with Brexit drama, Iraq announcing that they pumped more oil than they should have, and Iran saying they will breach all parts of the nuclear deal.  Prices dropped hard.  Then OPEC comes out […]

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