Quality Service and 3rd Generation Family Owned Since 1935

Home Heating

Crawford Oil and Propane’s reputation is founded upon our home heating delivery.

Agriculture & Construction & Manufacturing

We offer excellent customer service and delivery for Wisconsin’s independent farmers, construction companies, and manufacturers.

Motor Oils & Lubricants

We offer a full line of motor oils, hydraulic oils, gear oils, grease, ect.

C-Store Branding

We offer independent branding options for c-store owners looking to take control of their business and save money.


Bulls Continue To Feast

Greetings! Well, another week went by and the bulls continued to fill their bellies. The war in Ukraine escalated this week. Ukraine bombed three Russian oil refinery/production facilities. The attacks took out possibly 200k bbd of crude oil production. Even though other oil producing countries can quickly make up the difference, the calls went radio […]

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A Big Yawn

Good morning! Happy Friday! The news cycle this week continued with much of the same old same old as last week: Houthis continuing their threats in the Red Sea, the war in Ukraine slowly grinding in the favor of Russia, the FED sending mixed messages on rate cuts, China’s economic data still being poor, the […]

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Contradictions Racing To The Finish Line

Good morning! Happy Friday! The news cycle this week was filled with contradicting predictions on future price of crude oil. Crude prices are going to close today with back-to-back weeks of gains. I am baffled by the increased price this week based on the data. But once again, markets are irrational. China released data to […]

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