Quality Service and 3rd Generation Family Owned Since 1935
Home Heating
Crawford Oil and Propane’s reputation is founded upon our home heating delivery.
Agriculture & Construction & Manufacturing
We offer excellent customer service and delivery for Wisconsin’s independent farmers, construction companies, and manufacturers.
Motor Oils & Lubricants
We offer a full line of motor oils, hydraulic oils, gear oils, grease, ect.
C-Store Branding
We offer independent branding options for c-store owners looking to take control of their business and save money.
Syria Premium in WTI
Hello, As the trade war potential with China was cooling and putting a little floor on WTI around $61/barrel, President Trump tweeted aggressive responses in Syria and taunted Russia. With stability in Syria being very fragile at the moment, the tweets from President Trump caused an immediate $5 premium to be added on to both […]
Trade War and Geo-Political Tensions
Good morning, Well, the game of Ping-Pong continues on the crude market. This week, due to the fears of a trade war with China, WTI crude took a dip to it’s lowest close in almost six weeks. In addition, geo-political concerns in the Middle East and North Korea seem to have taken a back seat […]
Happy Easter!
Good morning, I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Easter weekend. I know the weather is colder but I hope family time is fun and enjoyable. As far as the markets go, WTI crude has settled down. The geopolitical issues have relaxed and WTI closed below $65/barrel this week. Whew!… I hope […]