Quality Service and 3rd Generation Family Owned Since 1935

Home Heating

Crawford Oil and Propane’s reputation is founded upon our home heating delivery.

Agriculture & Construction & Manufacturing

We offer excellent customer service and delivery for Wisconsin’s independent farmers, construction companies, and manufacturers.

Motor Oils & Lubricants

We offer a full line of motor oils, hydraulic oils, gear oils, grease, ect.

C-Store Branding

We offer independent branding options for c-store owners looking to take control of their business and save money.


WTI Crude Falls Below $70/Barrel

Good morning, For the first time in weeks, WTI crude price dropped below $70/barrel.  As I have been discussing, there are reasons to believe crude prices could go higher, and also reasons for prices to drop.  Over the past weeks, the reasons for crude to climb (healthy demand, supply tightness, Iran sanctions, political instability in […]

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Correction Hits the Crude Market

Good morning, The crude markets went into correction last week and gave back almost $6/barrel.  In addition, refinery maintenance in Chicago started to finish up causing winter RVP to flow into the cash price point in Chicago on gasoline.  Saudi Arabia and Russia keep hinting at a private side deal to secretly raise output starting […]

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Crude Prices Have A Fever of $100/Barrel

Good morning, As you may have noticed, the price of fuel has been rising at the pump.  As the sanctions against Iran are getting closer to kicking in, traders have caught a nasty fever.  The fever of the magical $100/barrel crude price is on and traders are putting their money where their mouth is.  Right […]

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